Dream of flying in a plane over water

Dream of flying in a plane over water

Dream of flying in a plane over water: What does it mean to dream of flying in the air? In dreams, we usually see many things. But flying in the sky in a dream is a good sign. Usually, the meaning of any dream can be divided into two parts. One is a general meaning and the other is a spiritual meaning. Because the meaning of a dream varies depending on the condition of the dreamer. What kind of human feelings did the dreamer realize after dreaming? Dreamer spiritual man or ordinary man?

Why do we dream in our sleep?

Why do we dream in sleep? Because we do not experience any sense effects while we are asleep. The mind then advances toward the source of creation. After that, the mind remains near the Paramatma or the soul. And the Supreme Being, or the soul, is where all of creation’s goods are kept. Our minds are subject to the senses. Our minds can gather ideas from Paramatma while they are transcendental during sleep and go close to it or Ruh because we can then comprehend all of Paramatma’s or Ruh’s theories. How much does the mind have a right to understand Paramatma’s theory? The intellect has the right to receive knowledge from the Supreme since it is spiritually pure or like the Supreme. Again, the mind can know the theory if Paramatma graciously informs it.

However, very few people have ever been able to regulate their senses to purify their minds. Therefore, only a few people are qualified to gather theories from Paramatman.

However, over the years, man has assembled various riddles or ideas about the beginning of Paramatma or creation based on their relative qualities. Additionally, dreams have been very important for uncovering riddles and gathering theories.

The significance of dreams that occur while we are asleep can be very challenging to comprehend. The spiritual strength of the dreamer affects the dream’s significance. Dream interpretation differs depending on a person’s level of spirituality. Again, a dream’s interpretation can differ depending on the dreamer’s location. When spiritual people dream, the same thing that is meant when regular people dream can have a different meaning. As a result, the average person can’t interpret his dreams. Even fairly spiritual people are not able to understand every dream. However, the significance of any dream can be revealed by a flawless spiritual great man.

Suppose you dream that you see a snake if you dream that a snake bit you. The snake approached you in a dream. The serpent crawled over your body in nightmares. A snake slithered into your throat in a dream. What does it imply spiritually to see a snake slithering away from you, to whack a snake with a stick, and to kill a snake in a dream?

We see both wonderful and negative things in our dreams. Sometimes dreams today appear incredibly awful or odd. Dreams can, at times, feel incredibly useless. Sometimes our thoughts from the day come to us in strange dreams while we are asleep.

In actuality, every dream has a purpose. Because we are unaware of the ultimate meaning

However, our thoughts throughout the day are recorded in our memory while experiencing Paramatma. Additionally, memories float in our inner vision when we fall asleep deeply and lose all feelings of reality. In other words, everything the Supreme Being has thought or done floats in the inner perception. The stored memories of our deeds or ideas are then regarded to float in our memory while we sleep. In other words, without a memory that has been maintained or stored, we cannot dream.

We often dream of things that we have never considered. Or I imagine doing a lot of stuff I never actually did. However, why does this occur? The conclusion that we only dream the memories that are kept in memory provides the answer. Therefore, whatever dream we experience must be comprehended because it is remembered. Any dream we have, regardless of its content, must have some significance.

A person may have had a dream in which a boat sank and a person he knew perished. Then this transpired a few days later. The episode took place just as the dreamer had imagined. The question that remains is how it is possible. We will respond that the Supreme has preserved everything from the past, present, and future. Those saved memories drift to the depths of our inner being as our senses meld into a profound sleep.

The difficulty now arises since Paramatman has both the past and the present in his memory. That is acceptable. But how will memories from the future be kept in the paramatman? as the future has yet to occur? But from where did you recall the incident?

The Supreme Being is aware of everything that has happened and will happen in the universe. Therefore, when someone with spiritual energy sees future events in a dream, they come true.

And when the average person dreams, they often see memories from the previous day. Additionally, most of the time, we dream at random. And if we dream, we can achieve things we never imagined. But it must be recognized that these dreams are meaningful in any way.

Dream of flying in a plane over water

Dream of Flying in a plane

What does “Dream of Flying in a Plane” mean to you? You will also experience excitement and nervousness as you approach your dream. If you have this dream, you will act and be determined to achieve it.
To interpret your dream, consider what it means. A dream of a plane crashing into the water may signify the need to cleanse yourself and find a solution to a problem. For instance, if you dream that you are a part of a plane crash in water, you need to break free from unhealthy relationships or get rid of things that are no longer beneficial for your soul. A dream of a plane crash in water can mean you are burying a deep-seated emotional issue. If your dream is a vivid, complex dream, you may want to consider seeking therapy to help you understand the meaning of the events.
A dream of an airplane with family can signify that you are planning to take a break from your everyday routine and start anew. A new life or career is in the works, but you must be careful with the people you spend your time with. A dream of flying with your family indicates that you will have an exciting new opportunity to get out and meet people.
A dream of flying in a plane can also signify your emotional state while you wake. For example, if you are pursuing a significant goal, the invention could represent your desire to break away from routine and difficulty in your waking life. However, suppose you are experiencing bad feelings or stressful emotions before going to bed. In that case, the dream could indicate the opposite and lead to a lousy plan involving being chased by a plane.
When you dream of an airplane, you may be seeking direction and motivation. You may feel that someone has taken control of your life and is trying to manipulate you. You might also be feeling overwhelmed and anxious about your aspirations and goals. If you dream of flying in a plane, you try to shake off negative conditioning and start afresh.
Your dream of flying in a plane is a metaphor for vulnerability in real life. You are exposed to sudden changes in your life, and even a lapse in judgment can lead to disastrous consequences. You must be extra careful and diligent when making decisions in your life because the slightest decision can undermine your efforts and cause you to lose sight of your goals. If your dream is about flying in a plane, you may need to change your relationship or career.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

Why do we dream in our sleep? Because in sleep, we do not have any sense effect in our mind. Then the mind moves closer to the root of creation. The mind then stays close to the Paramatma or the soul. And all the treasures of creation are preserved in the Supreme Being or the soul. The senses control our minds. When our mind becomes transcendental in sleep and moves closer to Paramatma or Ruh, then our mind can collect theories from Paramatma. Because then our mind can know all the theories from Paramatma or Ruh. But the question is how much the mind has the right to know the theory from the Paramatma? The answer is that the mind has the right to know from the Supreme as much as the mind is pure like the Supreme or Spiritual. Again, if Paramatma graciously informs the mind about the theory, then the mind can also know the theory.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

But there are very few people in the world who have been able to purify the mind by controlling the senses. So no one on earth except a few people is qualified to collect theories from Paramatman.

Yet for ages man has been collecting some mysteries or theories from the origin of Paramatma or creation in different ways according to their merits. And dreams have been playing a huge role as a means of collecting mysteries or collecting theories.

However, it is very difficult to understand the meaning of dreaming in sleep. The meaning of a dream depends on the spiritual power of the dreamer. The meaning of dreams also varies according to the spiritual power of the people. Again, the meaning of a dreamer’s dream may vary from place to place. The same thing that is meant when an ordinary person dreams, the same thing can have a different meaning when spiritual people dream. Therefore, it is not possible for an ordinary person to determine the meaning of his own dream. Even people of a fairly spiritual level cannot interpret all dreams. But a perfect spiritual great man can explain the meaning of any dream.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

If you see a snake in a dream. If you are bitten by a snake in a dream. In a dream, the snake ran to you. In dreams, The snake crawled on your body. In a dream, a snake slipped into your throat. What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a snake running away from you in a dream and hitting a snake with a stick in a dream and killing a snake in a dream?

In dreams, we see many good and bad things. Sometimes dreams seem very bad or random today. Sometimes dreams seem very pointless. Sometimes we dream randomly during sleep what we think all day long.

In fact, every dream has some meaning. Since we do not know the true meaning of dreams, they seem meaningless to us. We think about it all day so we dreamed in our sleep. But that’s not really the case.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

However, it can be said that what we think all day is stored in our memory in the midst of Paramatma. And when our senses are dissolved through deep sleep, the memories float in the inner vision. That is, any thought or action preserved in the Supreme Being floats in the inner vision. Then it is understood that the stored memories of our actions or thoughts float in our memory in our sleep. That is, we cannot dream without a stored memory or a preserved memory.

Now the question is we dream a lot of things that we never thought. Or I dream of a lot of work that I never did. But why does this happen. The answer is that since we have come to the conclusion that we dream only the memories stored in the memory. So any dream we have, must be understood was stored in our memory. Or any dream we have, we must understand that it must have some meaning.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

As someone dreamed that a boat sank and someone he knew died in the boat sinking. A few days later this really happened. The incident happened exactly as the dreamer saw it in the dream. Now the question is how it is possible. In answer to this we will say that everything from the past to the present and the future is preserved in the Supreme. As our senses merge into deep sleep, those preserved memories float to our innermost being.

Now the question arises in the mind, past and present are stored in the memory of Paramatman. That can be accepted. But how future memories will remain stored in the paramatman. Because the future has not happened yet. But where did the memory of the incident come from.

The answer is that there is no past or future in the universe that is unknown to the Supreme Being. So when a person with spiritual energy sees future events in a dream, it becomes a reality.

And when we ordinary people dream, most of the time we see only memories throughout the day. And most of the time we dream randomly. And if we dream things we never thought possible. But it must be understood that these dreams have any meaning.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

What do Snakes in Dreams Symbolize?

We have many desires in our minds. The snake is a symbol of desire. Going deeper, I can say that the snake is a symbol of the sexual desire of the human body and mind. 

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams

What does Seeing a Snake in your Dreams Mean

If you see a snake in a dream, you must understand that the dreamer likes to insult others. The dreamer hurts others through abusive language. The dreamer lies to others. The dreamer made false accusations. The dreamer bears false witness. If you dream of a snake, you will understand that you are engaged in slander. The dreamer harms others through slander. To see a snake in a dream also means that the dreamer is engaged in lying. The dreamer harms others through lies. The dreamer embezzles the wealth of others through lies.

If you dream of a snake, you will think that you are engaged in harming people through your tongue. But you may think that I do not hurt anyone by my words. But why did I dream like this? The answer is that we do not understand our own mistakes. We don’t think so deeply about whether our words hurt anyone.

It happens again that even though we do not catch in our words that people are hurt by our words, we must understand that we have this kind of problem. Because this seed is hidden inside our minds, it is reflected in dreams.

Spiritual Meaning of Snake bite in Dream

The spiritual awakening process

The spiritual awakening process

Spiritual Awakening Stages and Symptoms

To achieve spirituality we have to achieve it from within ourselves. Because each of us has a hidden treasure of spirituality within ourselves. There is no other place in the world for the awakening of spirituality except within oneself. All the great men in the world who have attained perfection in spirituality have found it by searching in their hearts.

Spiritual Awakening Stages

But now the question is why one has to find spirituality within oneself. Doesn’t spirituality exist on the outside? Why have the great men of the ages said only one thing? Spiritual great men irrespective of race, religion, and caste, agree on one thing only: there is no place to seek spirituality without one’s own heart. Why the same thing is said over and over again about spirituality.

Now let’s come to the answer. Is there no spirituality outside? In fact, everything we see on the outside with the naked eye is a manifestation of spirituality. When we look at this magnificent beautiful universe, the question arises in our minds, where is the source of these? Who created these? In fact, the question arises from where this root? Surely from the heart? That is why people have found this answer deep in their minds by asking questions to their minds over the ages. No one has found the answer to this question anywhere other than the mind. That is why all the great spiritual leaders agree that spirituality has found it by searching in their hearts.

Spiritual Awakening Stages and Symptoms

So it can be said that in order to find spirituality or to awaken spirituality in oneself, one has to find it within oneself. It is not possible to find all your life spirituality if you search for it outside.

So what is the way to awaken spirituality? Can anyone awaken spirituality? The answer is that there is a possibility of awakening spirituality wherever the mind exists in creation. And the way to awaken spirituality is to purify the mind and associate the mind with the essence of creation.

Spiritual Awakening Process

The first part of the Spiritual Awakening Process is enlightenment. This stage takes a long time since it involves developing a new structure that will allow our true spirit to flourish. As such, it is essential to embrace it. After all, without a strong foundation, we would be unable to grow.

The second phase is called a chrysalis. In this phase, people question their old conditioned habits and negative thinking. They imagine themselves living a different life. They cannot imagine their lives the way they are now. This stage can be challenging, so connecting with a trusted friend or online support groups is essential. It’s helpful to learn from others’ experiences. Ultimately, you’ll be able to transform yourself.

A spiritual awakening can be very profound. As such, you may experience synchronicities and coincidences. Perhaps you’ll meet a special someone. Maybe you’ll begin to search for spiritual material. Possibly you’ll discover that your life is becoming more authentic. If you’re feeling confused or unprepared, Richardson recommends a course of study and a spiritual teacher.

It is a complex process that takes work and a willingness to change. But in the end, you’ll be happier, more carefree, and more at peace with your life. In this stage, it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed.

This stage of the process will lead you to the self-awareness stage. You’ll likely begin to change your behavior and choose new friends with similar beliefs. You’ll start to absorb new ideas and engage in new activities. And this will become a permanent change in your life.

For some people, the process may be sudden and earth-shattering. For others, it may be more gradual. Those who are awakening may find that they have a greater awareness of basic principles in life, such as unconditional love, honesty, and integrity. For many people, letting go of old beliefs and actions will lead to an awakening.

The Spiritual Awakening process’s first stage is heightened awareness and compassion. People who are awakening may feel more sensitive to the feelings of others and may even fantasize about a new career. Intuition means understanding what others are experiencing, and this awareness will allow you to understand the pain of those around you. This stage will also cause you to have greater empathy and compassion. A compassionate person is a typical person in stage one of the awakening process, and this tendency often begins at a young age.

Eventually, the Divine Spiral of Awakening will lead you to a state of complete liberation from the illusions of the external world. Once you are fully released from the illusions of the external world, your Divine Intelligence will crystallize into subtle sense organs. As you continue to open yourself to this state, your awareness and understanding of who you are will grow to a profound level. As you grow in this state, you will have a clearer perception of your Divine mission and life purpose.

Although the process may be painful and disturbing, it is crucial to remember that it is necessary and will open the door to a more fulfilling existence. It will challenge your thoughts, beliefs, and paradigms and force you to expand. Several external factors can also trigger it, including significant life events, trauma, and divorce.

This stage is known as the satori stage. It comes from the Japanese Buddhist word “satori,” which means “wakening and comprehension.” Before this stage, you were still undergoing inner struggles. After the satori stage, you are in a state of enlightenment and are fully aware of your true self. The awakening process is never complete, and it will be unique to each person.


Spiritual Meditation Yoga
How do You Define Spirituality What Is Spirituality Definition-Meaning-of

How do You Define Spirituality What Is Spirituality Definition-Meaning-of

How do You Define Spirituality- Meaning and Definition- What Is Spirituality: It is difficult to define spirituality in a few words. Because the roots of spirituality have a deep connection with the roots of creation. Where there is an expression of spirituality, it must be understood that it is an expression of the essence of creation. That is, spirituality originates from where the universe originates from the there. And if one can reach the ultimate limit of this spirituality, then he can know the beginning and the end of creation and he can control the whole creation.

And when someone reaches the last frontier of spirituality, he is no longer attracted to the world. And that time there is no other desire of the world in his mind. His mind becomes pure and holy. That time he sees that all the creation of the world is under him. Still, he has no desire to change the creation at all. This is why it is said that those who have the slightest desire for the world cannot reach the last frontier of spirituality.

How far the boundaries of spirituality extend is beyond our comprehension. Because our knowledge is very insignificant near the boundaries of spirituality. It is impossible for us to analyze the scope of spirituality with this little knowledge. Only those who have attained perfection in spirituality can understand its meaning. Spirituality cannot be explained in words. To understand it you need to have strong feeling power. Because it has to be realized through feeling. The famous spiritual person Jalal Uddin Rumi said, if the sun comes close to the earth, the earth will burn to ashes. Similarly, if spirituality suddenly appears in someone’s heart, his heart will be destroyed.

The words above are words of deep high. Usually, we don’t think so deeply about spirituality. Because we don’t keep track of the world’s greatest spiritual people. And we don’t want to know how many steps they have taken to achieve spirituality in their lives. With a little touch of spirituality in ourselves, we think we have become spiritual.

I too was once in this mistake. I started meditating on March 26, 2007. After the first year of meditation, I noticed a lot of physical and mental changes in me. As a result of the huge change in my heart and feelings, I began to think that I had become a great spiritual person. I am still pursuing my meditation in 2021. But as I continue to meditate and start to reach the depths of meditation in 2021, I see that it is a rare thing to reach the last frontier of spirituality.

Now at what stage am I talking about this. If I give a little description of the symptoms of my body, those who understand spirituality will realize something. You may have heard of the famous spiritual greats Swami Vivekananda and Fakir Lalon Sai. Their writings contain profound theories about spirituality. In Swami Vivekananda’s book Rajyoga, he writes that at one stage of meditation, Kurukundali is awakened in the human body. Within a year of me starting to meditate, Kurukundali was awakened in my body. I had no acquaintance with the word kurukundali. Many days after the awakening of Kurukundali, when I read this book, I realized that its name is Kurukundali.

Kurukundali is an energy that originates from the spinal cord . It is not like expressing in words the stream of peace that flows from the bottom of the spine to the top after the awakening of the Kurukundali. The more you are alone, the more the flow of peace will continue to grow. So I like to be alone from March 26, 2007 until 2021 and now like stay alone.

It is impossible to say how many more symptoms appear inside the body after waking up Kurukundali. However, reading the books of the great spiritual people, it is known that awakening in the body of Kurukundali is not a common thing. These are manifested in very few people. And after this long period of meditation, when I tried to realize where spirituality ends, Then I became dumb. After all this time I started thinking that the journey of spirituality has just started.

So we have realized how difficult it is to attain full spirituality. Achieving spirituality requires hard work for a long time.

Dr. Shahinur Chowdhury (Spiritual Person)